New York Leather Repair

Best Leather Expert Medics for On-Site, In-home or In-Shop Restoration, Upholstery or Dyeing Services

Leather Care Tips

Leather is one of the nature’s wonderful durable goods.
Furniture and clothing made of leather are usually quite expensive, but because leather is so durable we sometimes tend to leave it unattended far too long.

It’s common for a leather sofa or leather jacket to go for years without a proper cleaning, but sometimes, your favorite leather items get torn. In many cases a simple leather repair kit can help you, but other times the help of specialist is needed. We can skillfully care for, clean, and repair leather and other surfaces of your furniture as well as auto, aircraft, and boat interiors. The tanning process gives the leather resistance to wetting and keeps the leather supple. Leather’s high tensile strength makes it a strong, flexible material. It will stretch and then return to retain shape. Leather breathes and will assume your body temperature rapidly as it allows air and water to pass through its structure. Leather is susceptible to three types of damage: stiffness and surface cracking caused by the drying out of the leather’s natural oils, fiber discoloration as a result of accidental spills or sun exposure, and scuffing or tearing usually occurring from use.

Let us help you to realize how much nicer leather looks with some care and attention!!!